Hazelwood School District Action Items
- The Department of English Learner, Immigrant, and Migrant Education Services serves multilingual students, pre-k through 12
- The district has been named one of the most diverse administrations in St. Louis County
- The staff is culturally competent and works to create a supportive learning environment for children from all backgrounds
- The district offers multiple family engagement opportunities, including a district Festival of Nations and a bilingual Family Literacy Night
- The school district has a bilingual lending library to encourage bilingualism and biliteracy
- Hazelwood School District has earned a Pathways to Biliteracy Award and the Seal of Biliteracy
- Hazelwood School District offers adult ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Language) classes in the evenings with the families of English-learning students
- Hazelwood School District makes every effort to communicate with multilingual families in their preferred language through the use of translated communication blasts, Talking Points, and on-demand video and telephonic interpretation services