St. Frances Cabrini is a Catholic elementary school that serves eight parishes in a very diverse area of South St. Louis City. The parish communities include members from Vietnam, Belize, Burma, China, Guatemala, Ivory Coast, Mexico, Sudan, Togo, Burundi, Eritrea, Haiti, Nigeria, the Philippines, Somalia and services are in Polish, Vietnamese and Croatian. As a result, St. Frances Cabrini Academy thrives in its diverse student population and has become a school of choice for people from all economic levels, ethnic backgrounds, and faith traditions.
St. Frances Cabrini Academy was named after Mother Cabrini who was known for her work in education with a special focus on welcoming the immigrant family. Her work continues today in schools and hospitals across the nation.
Current Action Items:
- Diverse student population consists of 24% African-American, 24% Hispanic, 9% Asian, 13% African, 5% Multi-racial and 25% Caucasian
- Students bring many different cultures, languages and faith traditions to the school experience
- Extra-curricular activities include a Spanish Club for students
- Two bilingual teachers on staff which includes a teacher who is an immigrant from Spain
- The school community celebrates ethnic, cultural, religious and secular holidays together
- Priests from sponsoring parishes are from diverse cultures and assist in school activities and functions
- The English Tutoring Project provides language acquisition classes for non-English speakers
- Annual presentation highlighting the contributions of different cultures such as “Words from the Drum” by Kunama Mtendaji – singing, dancing and story-telling using music and dance originating from Africa, Brazil and the Caribbean
St. Frances Cabrini will:
- Begin to provide enrollment and other administrative forms in languages spoken and read by the parents of the students
- Cultural diversity will be priority when recruiting new members for the Board of Education
- Preference will be given to increasing diversity when evaluating candidates for teaching and staff positions
- School website will demonstrate a multi-cultural community through culturally diverse imagery and content in languages representing the student body
- Co-market Mosaic initiatives in publications and on the school website and by sharing materials with families
View press release here.
St. Frances Cabrini Website
English Tutoring Project